Dean Word

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Prof. Abd el-Maqsoud Abd el-Qadir Soleiman

Dean Of The College

In the name of Allah

The strength of nations is measured by their civilization, and nations' civilizations are measured by the progress of science in them and the spread of education in their territories. As science is what puts societies to always be in the foreground.

The leadership of our country and its government focused on spreading and supporting education in all its stages and in all parts, and it expanded in public education and university education. Among these achievements is the establishment of Al-Arish University in this precious spot, and among its faculties is the Faculty of Commerce. Therefore, I recommend everyone to strive hard to reach a distinguished level of high quality education.

Since the Faculty of Commerce is one of the university’s fledgling colleges, I hope that it will be completed in appointing faculty members in all disciplines, and I call upon the faculty’s supporting body to strive in their studies and acquire knowledge so that they obtain scientific degrees and be a distinguished faculty project in this faculty.

ِFinally, i wish you all the best of luck